
Earlier today I was feeling pretty down - there is something about a Monday that can really make or break your spirit. It either goes great and you are ready to take on the rest of the week with gusto, or it is a series of mundane events that make you wonder what is the point in any of this. Ok, perhaps it is not as black and white as that, but either way, for me today was more of a down day than an up one. I came home from work feeling dejected and drained. It was not an overly stressful day or even particularly busy, but the day and I did not mesh well.
This Monday was feeling particularly fraught - this is the last week we will be in our current house as we are moving on Saturday. Preparing for a move is daunting, and truly one of the more un-fun processes in life. While we are going to be moving into a very nice apartment that I do think will be a good fit for us, it is always hard for me to say goodbye. Historically, I have had a difficult time with change and breaking my routine, and while this is not a huge move (we are staying in the same city), it is still a move! I am sad to leave the neighborhood we are in (the neighborhood I have lived in the 7 years that I’ve been in Charleston!! Like I said, change is HARD), sad to say goodbye to our patio, sad to be moving out of a quick walking distance from our friends.
I was feeling sad and overwhelmed, but it is hard to continue feeling that way when your gal pals come over to watch The Bachelor. That is a Monday tradition that has been born this year as we have not historically been interested in this franchise, but I will admit it has made Mondays feel a little more fun. To be very clear, I do not think that The Bachelor is a good show. I know it is bad. With that said, there is something cathartic about yelling at the tv with your friends (I think this is the high that sports fans feel when they yell for their teams?). Watching these problematic people make questionable choices while laughing about it from the comfort of my living room with my friends is a true release. All the sad feelings left my body and I let other emotions have the floor for a while. It was nice to check out of my bad Monday vibes and have a mindless activity to do with people that I love. Does the show make me mad? Definitely - these people are insane and it is truly unbelievable - but it feels good to yell about it together! I am glad this silly show exists if only for an excuse for us to get together.
This changed the tone of my Monday at the last minute and I feel better prepared to take on the rest of the week. We are going to crush this move and will be in an even prettier apartment next Monday! Positive change is on the way! It’s nice to go to sleep tonight feeling less dejected and more motivated to make tomorrow a better day overall.
I hope all of you had a decent Monday, and if not, just know that today may not have been your day but you can turn it around. Keep your head up, keep your friends close, and yell at that TV if you need a release!
Honestly, it is pretty popular to dislike Mondays. Garfield famously hates Mondays and everyone loves him for it!!!!! While it is fun to collectively hate something, I would advise you to look for at least one thing that you like about your Monday. Finding that silver lining will help you have a happier week, so make like cool cat Garfield and find something to smile about! Even if it is just yelling at Pilot Peter because every decision he makes is SO DUMB.