getting creative
Perhaps these times of quarantine will give way to creative genius being born. All this time at home has to result in something right? Considering reading Twitter and scrolling through Instagram is more anxiety-inducing than ever before with COVID-19 and the upcoming election, it could be nice to shut that off for longer periods than usual.

new year, same me
The new year is all about new beginnings, a clean slate. This is the time we all collectively feel we should start making improvements to our lives, making resolutions and leaving bad habits behind in the past. This is something that I have had trouble with, mostly because I want everything to be different and better all at once. But the problem with that is, unlike the popular saying, it is a New Year, but it is the Same Me.

turkey time
Thanksgiving always felt like an annoying pitstop to the amazing and wonderful destination that is Christmas. It was not until college that I really started to look forward to Turkey Day, which makes sense because it was a time I was able to catch up with my family and friends from home.