new year, same me

Hello and Happy New Year! I took a small break from posting over the holidays and honestly it feels like I haven’t written since last year. Ha! Do you get it?? I welcome anyone to try that original joke out next year, pretty sure it will catch on.
The new year is all about new beginnings, a clean slate. This is the time we all collectively feel we should start making improvements to our lives, making resolutions and leaving bad habits behind in the past. This is something that I have had trouble with, mostly because I want everything to be different and better all at once. But the problem with that is, unlike the popular saying, it is a New Year, but it is the Same Me.
Personally, I cannot radically change my entire life simply because a giant glittering ball descended down a pole in Times Square. Side note - was anyone else disappointed to find out that the ball does not, in fact, drop, it just creeps down the pole little by little? As a child, I was sure that the ball would DROP at breakneck speed and explode into a million little pieces and that’s how we would know the past year is dead and the new year is here! This discovery was a huge letdown for me once I was finally old enough to watch the NYE coverage. What a slow and agonizing let down LITERALLY.
I used to give myself a lot of goals that I wanted to achieve in the new year, but I gave myself neither the time or effort to actually execute these plans. They were simply nebulous ideas that I shouted into the world and then went to sleep? Or forgot them entirely? In any case, I am the kind of person that thrives with structure. Giving myself small obtainable goals to achieve keeps my spirits high and the desire to continue to push forward grows.
For example, last year I decided I wanted to be more active on Twitter. Is this a dumb goal? Probably to some people, yes. But to me, this was an important goal because I think having an online presence is necessary for this day and age, and also, Twitter is great for discovering new things, engaging with people from all walks of life, and it is a completely insane platform that I have now grown to love. Also, as a writer, I found that Twitter provided a challenge for me. At first, it was hard for me to figure out how to convey an idea or joke within a character limit and without a visual element to carry the text. In 2019, I did tweet way more often than I ever have (I joined in 2012, which in itself is wild!), and not to tote my own tweets, but I do think I have found a stronger voice. I’ve found interesting and funny people to follow, I have become more globally and socially conscious, and I feel more connected and in tune with the world. Not such a bad resolution after all, huh?
This year, I am devoting myself to learning Spanish via Duolingo. From kindergarten, all the way to my freshman year of college I was enrolled in a Spanish class and I have NOTHING to show for it. I am not sure why it never clicked for me, obviously, I had a multitude of teachers, so it cannot be all on them. I always assumed that I simply did not have the aptitude for learning a new language. Perhaps I put Spanish on the backburner in my list of things to worry about as a student because Math class was such a fearsome presence. Now, I am not being graded on math, and therefore no longer have that to fear. I can devote time to learning Spanish, at my own pace, with bite-sized lessons I can access from my phone. I also am susceptible to being obsessive about maintaining streaks, something that app culture has really zoned in on. I don’t like it when the little green owl gets disappointed in me! I do not expect to become fluent, but I think this will be a good step for me in learning new words and phrases. Honestly, it just feels really good to learn again.
This is my small and obtainable goal this year. On top of that, I would like to maintain and even increase my exercise schedule, which is a goal that has carried on from last year (again, I have an app that I really do not want to disappoint! Apps are my new parents/teachers). Additionally, I am getting married this year, which feels HUGE, so I will also be working being a better partner and adjusting my lifestyle from being all about me to being about Us (but still about Me a little…or halfway). That is a loaded statement in itself, but you have to take things one step at a time.
OH and that rat problem I mentioned in an earlier post? Well, turns out the rats want to be the true and only tenants in this house, so we have to find a new place to live. This is both annoying and exciting and I change my mind on my feelings about it at least twice a day! 2020 is off to an interesting start, but it will certainly be chock full of new beginnings. Here’s to us and achieving our small but obtainable goals one step at a time this year!
This Snowman and I are here to cheer you on as you strive to conquer your goals in 2020! We believe in you, we support you, we want the best for you!!! This YOUR year! You don’t have to become a new person with the new year, you will simply evolve! And we will be with you in your heart & your mind & your spirit! And in your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a fun by product of hard we are supporting you right now.