getting creative

These are weird and uncertain times. With an illness that is causing the world to close their doors and stay inside, what does that mean for us as a people? It has been interesting to see how people are processing the news, everyone seems to have a different take. Fortunately for me, my company has taken the route of closing our office and we will all be working from home, at least for the next two weeks. Of course, this is subject to change, but it seems like things are going to stay closed for longer.
While I am lucky to have the capability to do my job from the safety of my own home, not everyone is as lucky. This is a stressful time for all of us, but it is definitely hurting people that depend on our society being social for their living. It is hurting people that now have to cancel their celebrations in order to maintain social distancing rules. What I would like to do is say thank you. Thank you to those that are working in our hospitals, grocery stores, pharmacies, nursing homes, delivery vehicles, and more. Thank you to the teachers that are adapting their lesson plans to teach virtually. Thank you to the people that are making the hard decision to close their stores, restaurants, bars, and more. Thank you to the people that are putting their emotions aside and postponing their weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, and other big celebrations. That is so hard, and I hate it for everyone.
It can be hard to see the positives in this situation because it is negatively affecting so many, but I do hope that the aftermath of this will lead to change in the right direction. It is clear that this country can adapt and rise to the occasion in challenging situations. Perhaps we will all learn a lesson from this and make meaningful change where it matters most. Getting people proper medical help and the support they need when they are ill would be a great start. Sometimes it takes an extreme situation to be the catalyst for true change. This is unprecedented, so while it is like nothing we have ever seen in our lifetime, it could be the fire we need to rebirth a greater society that supports all life, like a gorgeous phoenix of equality arising from the smoldering ashes of oppression. Or, you know, it could at least cause businesses to give their employees paid sick leave.
Perhaps these times of quarantine will give way to creative genius being born. All this time at home has to result in something right? Considering reading Twitter and scrolling through Instagram is more anxiety-inducing than ever before with COVID-19 and the upcoming election, it could be nice to shut that off for longer periods than usual. It could be an amazing time to pull out that craft basket that has been neglected or pull out that old script you haven’t worked on in years. It could be time to learn how to breakdance or basket weave.
Personally, I have pulled out my necklace making supplies. It is something that I love to do and was very into in 2017, but have kind of tapered back in and out of since. I love putting the colors together, mixing the different types of beads and tassels, and creating something and wearable. It is something that I can do to pass the time and have something tangible to show for it. It also doesn’t hurt that it is something I am able to do while watching or listening to something else. Is anyone else still hanging in there with Westworld? I have no idea what is going on, but I will continue to try my best!
These supplies are going to get me through this quarantine - there is more where this came from, so if you are interested in getting a necklace of your very own, hit your girl up. You will have a piece of history around your neck - jewelry made in the time of coronavirus.
In any case, I know this can be a difficult time to keep a good attitude. I know there is a lot of hardship happening and people are scared. I know it is hard to go through this as a separated community, but we are still in this together. We are working together to protect our most vulnerable, so we may as well get creative while we do it. This is the time to let out freak flags fly so to speak - let’s see all the amazing stuff you can make when faced with having no other plans. I believe in you, I believe in us! We are going to get through this so we might as well make things that matter to us in the meantime. Remember to get out outside when you can - take a walk or a bike ride and see your neighbors from a distance. Keep a schedule, get up at the same time that you would and set goals for your days. What special projects will you be working on? Can’t wait to see the art you make.
These are some sights I saw from my venture outside today. I took myself on a nice walk through the neighborhood, taking time to admire the flowers and the marshland. I was also listening to Heartburn, a book I have never read (and also a movie I have never seen!), which definitely gave my walk some much-needed intrigue. Meryl Streep is the narrator, so I am loving it so far. I will keep you all updated as I listen to more.