good news

This week is off to a great start!
My passport finally came in, after being in transit for about a week? Apparently setting up mail-forwarding really puts people through it in terms of getting things to the right place. My sweet passport was out for delivery but redirected back to the post office but out for delivery and then at another post office and then it went on a nice trip to the beach and probably out to lunch and then back to the post office! I truly do not understand how the postal service works, and ultimately I guess I never will? But I sure am grateful it exists! This is very good news because I am going to need it rrrrrrrrrrrrreal soon. And yes, I did anxiously wait on the front stoop and literally watched my postman walk to multiple houses before ambling on over to mine. And yes, I did make Noah pretend to garden, with me as a “gardening director” (this is a normal thing that people do ????), to seem normal for being out on the stoop.
You are not allowed to full on smile like you were the last time I updated my passport, so that means you get a lil sneaky smirk instead. This seems more mysterious and weird looking in my opinion, but what do I know, I am but a humble citizen.
More good news - Our lavender is blooming!! I love lavender - I love the scent, I love the color, I love the name. What I did not know was how much I would love the plant. You guys. Lavender is so soft and just so nice. We bought our lavender plants with Noah’s parents over his birthday weekend and I continued to stroke them - to the point that Noah’s dad called it my therapy plant. And honestly? He’s right! It should totally be a therapy plant. I suppose that it actually is, as lavender oil is huge in massage therapy and great for relaxing and all of that, but I am talking about the actual plant here people! It’s lush, pretty, soft, and gorgeous, and currently, ours is BLOSSOMING! I feel so much pride and happiness to see this kind of growth - is this what it feels like to be a parent? Probably. Probably blossoming lavender and being a mom is probably the exact same thing.
Can you look at how beautiful she is? Do you see those perfect purple flowers? And the little baby buds just peeking out, waiting to blossom beautifully like their sisters? Wow.
More good news, I am working a short week this week so I can take some time off, hang out with my parents, and get some wedding things crossed off the checklist. I have not hung out with my parents as a solo person in quite some time, so it will feel good to be the only child again. It will also be very nice to talk to our florist - the flowers are one of the things that I really care about in our wedding, so this is an appointment I am really looking forward to. (I don’t know if I have been open about this before, but I really like flowers a lot. Truly, greenery in general, but definitely flowers are exciting to me.) I can’t wait to look at all the flowers and see what she has in mind for our big day. It will definitely make things feel more real, hard to believe this is all happening in less than a year!
So much good news to share in one day! Some of it is HUGE and some of it is really simplistic and wonderful, but the point is, you really can find good news once you start looking for it. The good news is something I have been trying to find in my every day - even it has been a terrible day, it helps to try to identify at least one positive thing that happened. This is the good news of that day - the headline you can create for yourself. This is a tactic you can use to rewrite your own story, so to speak. Get it? Is it too much? Or do you LOVE TO SEE IT? You tell me. But the good news is, I feel great about it!