Who is Mary Brehm? Some know her as Mare Bear, more know her as The Hott 1, but who is she really? But behind the nicknames and caffeine-fueled social calendar is someone deeply thoughtful, ambitious, and—despite her protests—more introspective than she lets on.
Perhaps these times of quarantine will give way to creative genius being born. All this time at home has to result in something right? Considering reading Twitter and scrolling through Instagram is more anxiety-inducing than ever before with COVID-19 and the upcoming election, it could be nice to shut that off for longer periods than usual.
I think about it a lot when I hear phrases like “If you don’t love what you do, why do it at all?” or “If you love what you do you never work a day in your life.” which, truly, is a beautiful concept. But I also feel that it is a highly unrealistic concept.
So much good news to share in one day! Some of it is HUGE and some of it is really simplistic and wonderful, but the point is, you really can find good news once you start looking for it.
Hello dear reader.
It has been a while, but in the time that has passed, your friend Me, moved into a new home. That’s right, we waved our white flag and said farewell to the rats that have taken over our once happy homestead.
there is something about a Monday that can really make or break your spirit. It either goes great and you are ready to take on the rest of the week with gusto, or it is a series of mundane events that make you wonder what is the point in any of this
We all are on separate paths in our ideas of what a successful and fulfilling life looks like, but those paths intersect where it matters.
The new year is all about new beginnings, a clean slate. This is the time we all collectively feel we should start making improvements to our lives, making resolutions and leaving bad habits behind in the past. This is something that I have had trouble with, mostly because I want everything to be different and better all at once. But the problem with that is, unlike the popular saying, it is a New Year, but it is the Same Me.
maybe engaging creatively doesn’t have to be so daunting? trying the artist’s way like Doechii could be the key?